Remote Medicine France trainers obtain Senior ITLS High Threat Instructor Certification and strengthen their international expertise in providing effective trauma care in conflict situations

Remote Medicine France is proud to announce the appointment of two of its trainers as Senior Instructors of ITLS High Threat (High Threat International Trauma Life Support), placing them in a very select group of only about twenty individuals worldwide with this expertise.

After successfully conducting the first European training program in Belgium, Remote Medicine France is now able to expand this program abroad and showcase their well-deserved expertise and know-how through this international recognition.

The High Threat International Trauma Life Support course was developed in response to numerous terrorist attacks and conflicts around the world.

This training enables all stakeholders involved in crisis situations (healthcare professionals, first responders, security personnel, Armed Forces, Law Enforcement) to work together in managing trauma victims in deteriorated security contexts while avoiding further casualties.

The recognition as Senior High Threat ITLS Instructors is a testament to the commitment and expertise of Remote Medicine France trainers. This distinction reinforces their position as leaders in the field of training for healthcare professionals operating in difficult, isolated, or hostile environments, and confirms their dedication to offering high-quality training with scenarios that closely resemble real-life situations.

Through this specialized training, Remote Medicine France actively contributes to the preparation and response to humanitarian crises and violent situations worldwide. By sharing their expertise and know-how, they enhance the capacity of field responders to save lives and alleviate the suffering of traumatized victims.

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