Stephanix selected to showcase the French excellence in medical imaging at the Elysée Presidential Palace in Paris for “La Grande Exposition du Fabriqué en France”

Stephanix, a leading French company specialized in medical imaging solutions, is delighted to announce its selection as one of the privileged participants in the prestigious “La Grande Exposition du Fabriqué en France” at the Elysée Presidential Palace in Paris. Out of a staggering pool of 2,500 candidates, Stephanix has been chosen to exhibit its exceptional medical imaging product on July 1st and 2nd.

With a strong focus on innovation and cutting-edge technology, Stephanix has established itself as a leader in the field of medical imaging. The company’s expertise lies in developing advanced imaging products that aid healthcare professionals in accurate diagnoses and effective treatments. Their commitment to excellence and dedication to improving patient care has earned them a prominent place in the industry.

While Stephanix’s presence at “La Grande Exposition du Fabriqué en France” represents the company’s expertise in medical imaging, it also highlights the broader excellence of the French healthcare players. By showcasing their product, Stephanix not only emphasizes the importance of advanced medical technology but also acknowledges the dedication of healthcare professionals in providing exceptional patient care.

Stephanix invites everyone to join them at the exhibition and witness the remarkable advancements in medical imaging technology proudly developed in France. Experience the transformative power of Stephanix’s innovative solutions as they take center stage in this extraordinary celebration of French manufacturing excellence at the heart of Paris. The « Fabriqué en France » exhibition highlights the very best of the label « Origine France Garantie ».