
Coaching and training firm dedicated to healthcare.


CATALYSE is a coaching and training firm dedicated to the health sector.

Strengthening interpersonal skills for the benefit of know-how is the mission for which we serve this sector by offering:

- Individual and pair programs (coaching, mediation)

- Team programs (coaching, training, co-development, etc.)

- A behavioral skills assessment tool (ENZYME)

We intervene on topics of management, communication, professional development and quality of life at work.


8 rue de Surène, 75014 Paris

06 14 91 67 00

[email protected]

Featured products


Personal coaching

Personal coaching for healthcare professionals (physicians, healthcare teams, health auxiliaries, healthcare management)

Team coaching

Team support : coaching, seminars, co-development sessions

Quality of worklife and prevention of psycho-social risks

The Quality of Life and Working Conditions and the prevention of Psycho-Social Risks (RPS) are an integral part of the support offered by CATALYSE collectively and individually.


Training in management, communication and development

Training actions in coaching mode: Specifically developed for healthcare professionals; Different formats, adapted to each working environment


E-learning modules dedicated to healthcare professionals


Develop mutual aid and peer learning


A behavioral skills self-assessment tool for the healthcare sector

ENZYME© is a behavioral skills self-assessment tool designed by certified CATALYSE coaches, exclusively for professionals in the health sector.