Our proposals for the Made in France rebound in the international health field!

France, like the other countries in the world, is going through an unprecedented, painful and particularly complex to manage ordeal. But researchers, health institutions, health sector companies have been mobilized since day one to fight the epidemic.

Within the French Healthcare system, the eponymous association has carried out its mission of collective promotion of the French know-how abroad, in particular up-dating since mid-March a list of French companies with proven health solutions that can be implemented in the management of the epidemic and patient care. In 15 specific fields (from diagnostic tests to digital support tools for professionals, hospital air treatment solutions and medical imaging), this approach offers a global view of the French response available localy and for export.

At the time of economic recovery, how to promote the export rebound of our French companies, while guaranteeing the security of supply that was lacking at the beginning of the crisis :


  1. For a true industrial health policy in France: health sovereignty and export
    → Create a specific structure based on the model of the French General Delegation to Armaments (DGA), independent, working close to the General Directorate of Health and the private sector, guarantor of the French health sovereignty and promoting export in the health field. (see FEFIS work)


  1. Following the priorities of the European Green Deal
    → Integrating health, tomorrow’s hospital and green production into the projects of the European Green Pact and digital transformation (a thousand billion euros announced in the European budget for sustainable investment in 10 years).


  1. Public procurement: favouring European products
    → Introducing a rating to encourage the choice of European products (e.g.: bonus for European priority and environmental quality).
    → Take this procurement priority into account in the hospitals’ purchase budget. e.g.: introducing a cash back when they buy in Europe?


  1. Analysing the strengths and weaknesses of the French (and European) industrial tool in the health sector
    → Inventory all companies working directly or indirectly in the health sector in France (and Europe).
    → Make a list of all the strategic companies for health security and strengthen their competitiveness.
    → With the help of the Customs Directorate, establish a list of imported health products and devices, particularly outside Europe, and draw up a strategic State/Companies plan for location or relocation.


  1. International patients : double challenge for economie and attractiveness
    → Emphasise and strengthen the welcoming of international patients in order to get closer to the turnover generated by some foreign countries (e.g.: Germany, 2 billion euros/ year).
    → Allow the welcoming of international patients, including outside Schengen, under maximum and defined conditions of health security.


  1. Promoting Made in France and stimulating production in Europe
    → Communicating internationally on the French know-how.
    → Founding the construction of factories / production tool in France : granting loans to companies (do not reserve them only for «innovation»). (cf works of the CSF-ITS)
    → Lower corporate tax rate for exporting manufacturers.
    → Ensuring security of supplies : producing key equipment in Europe (to be defined : those in intensive care ?) and creating the construction conditions for of public-private consortiumat at European level to support the supply sovereignty of active ingredients (see Leem’s work).


  1. Short-term: encouraging the export rebound
    → Ease the resumption of business travel, streamline borders and air transport→ Relaunch/strengthen the French attendance to international fairs through financial assistance to companies.
    → Carry out diplomatic action to accelerate the major ongoing projects (via the schools) in Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Rwanda, Nigeria, South America, Eastern countries…
    → Strengthen the relay by the embassies, for an even more efficient economic diplomacy and support of the trade relays on the spot.