Wixalia continues to develop 2 particulary interesting projets in digital health.

Wixalia is a partner of several projects related to digital health, initiated in 2020 and the bulk of which will continue in 2021, with in particular 2 interesting projects:

Wi-see, an application for managing appointments in care houses and
healthcare facilities

We-see Wixalia

To meet the need to organize efficiently visits in care homes, exacerbated
by the health crisis, we have created Wi-see. Wi-see is already deployed in more than 100 establishments in several European countries.
Simple to set up remotely, without the need or on-site intervention, the solution relies on :
• a scheduling application
• a booking portal
• interfaced with a video conferencing application that can be installed with just a few clicks on any type of device (smartphone, tablet or laptop with camera)
Its main benefits:
• Facilitates and optimizes the organization of all types of
appointments (visit or video conferencing) with relatives in a single
• Free up time for the staff: families make the appointment online
without calling the facility.
• Ensures the traceability of all visits according to the protocol
established by the site: information is saved throughout the visit
booking workflow until the end of the visit.
• Includes before and after visit surveys

Implementation of a biometric recognition solution linked to the patient medical file
Wixalia has in-depth expertise in various technologies to ensure the
protection of places and people. We are betting on facial recognition
solutions based on computer vision. Computer vision works by pairing AIdriven software with visual sensor hardware. As part of a digital medical record project and in partnership with a local player in Morocco, we were tasked with integrating an authentication brick by facial recognition.

->Presentation of the project / Medical file operation
During an initial medical appointment, a patient has the choice of having his digital patient medical record created. If the patient gives his consent, then via the hospital information system, a web service is activated to prefill the medical file automatically; an SMS or email is sent to the patient’s
mobile; this link will allow the patient to download the medical file
application in order to finish the creation of his profile and the access to his
file. The data of the initial medical appointment are transferred via web
service to initiate the creation of the medical file.

At this stage, the nominal identification data is present in the medical file but the activation has not yet been carried out. This is where we come in.
The second agreement formalized by the creation of his biometric profile will be carried out from his smartphone.
Biometric elements are not stored in accordance with international and national regulations on personal data. Only the technical elements of the algorithm required for the functioning of the authentication are stored.
The biometric algorithm makes it possible to ensure:
• Compatibility with the cameras of all smartphones
• Fast identification in 5 milliseconds
• More security than fingerprints

Contact us for more information:
Tel. +33 (0)1 70 83 60 70
[email protected]www.wixalia.com

Wixalia is a member of French Healthcare Association