Catel launches its Marketplace dedicated to e-health professionals

As a pioneer in telemedicine, Catel has been observing the evolution of a digital health market that has undergone significant change in recent years. Professional uses are growing, the offer is diversifying and gaining in quality in terms of both medical and user experience.

Despite this buoyant context, professional buyers of e-health services are struggling to see clearly in the abundant supply and are unable to express their needs effectively.

With these observations in mind, Catel launched its new platform in May 2021 to bring together e-health solution and service providers and professional users: Les Docks de la e-santé (

In concrete terms, Les Docks de la e-santé is a B2B Marketplace, which allows users to buy or be put in contact with structures offering digital services. The platform is aimed at all professionals working in the health market: health and paramedical professionals, health or medico-social establishments, local authorities, companies and e-health project developers, patient associations, etc.

“Les Docks de la e-santé” allows suppliers to promote different categories of services:

– medical applications or platforms

– professional connected devices

– digital tools to support medical activities;

– training for users of e-health solutions;

– services to support the creation, development or deployment of solutions within organisations…