The permanent staff of the French Healthcare Association is pleased to welcome Noémi Barta, our new digital communications officer, who will help us increase the visibility of our association and its members.
After having lived in several countries in Europe and North Africa, Noémi resumed her studies to specialize in the field that she is the most passionate about: digital marketing. She will therefore be our referent in this domaine throughout this year as an apprentice.
Thanks to her international, associative, and entrepreneurial experience, as well as her interest in the field of healthcare, Noémi will be a major asset for the activities of the association. In addition, the mentorship offered by the Invivox team will allow her to fulfill her ambition to become a digital marketing specialist.
She is eager to contribute promoting French expertise in healthcare internationally through our members and to develop our communication tools.
Welcome to Noémi, who will take on the challenges to come with Elisabeth Arnaud, project manager and Johanna Lerfel, general delegate, thus forming the new team at the service of the members!
Noémi Barta : [email protected]
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