Discover the new members who joined the French Healthcare Association in may :
Law firm specializing in risk management and dispute resolution. Focus on healthcare activities and products: providing advice, assistance, and representation to industrial companies, startups, and healthcare professionals (pharmaceuticals, medical devices, biotech/medtech, AI, etc.) on national and international issues and disputes.
Designs, manufactures, and markets biological contamination protection equipment, primarily in the research field. Expertise in manufacturing microbiological safety cabinets: Type 2 Biological Safety Cabinets, isolators; protection for patients or operations: ISO 5 and ISO 7 laminar flow ceilings; equipment for vivariums.
As the oldest independent company in its field, GPF specializes in managing medical fluid networks for healthcare facilities. From production centers to wall outlets: installation, maintenance, and 24/7 troubleshooting.
Designer and manufacturer of medical sinks and surgical basins, Medical Process works to improve hand hygiene and make it accessible to healthcare specialists worldwide.
A brand of Concept Light specializing in air, surface, and object disinfection and sterilization. All SterilUV products utilize LED UV technology, which aims to replace more polluting mercury lamps that will soon be prohibited in the market.
French Healthcare Association was founded with the aim of bringing together French players in the health sector and promoting their excellence internationally.
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