Discover the candidates for the future French Healthcare Association Board of Directors

Ahead of French Healthcare Association 2023 General Meeting, to be held on December 12 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the American Hospital of Paris in Neuilly, we invite you to discover the list of members standing for election, as the association is about to renew its board of directors.

On this exceptional day, French Healthcare Association’s Board of Directors and its Executive Committee will be up for re-election. For the first time, the association will also be changing its President.

If you haven’t already done so, we invite you to, register here for this General Meeting, to bring this year to a close in style, alongside the men and women behind this institution.

Members wishing to shape the future of the association have already submitted their candidacies and professions of faith, presenting their different visions for the future of this community.

Discover the list of candidates and their mission statements here

If you are unable to attend, you are invited to appoint a proxy to cast your vote.

Each member company designating a voter has received an invitation to register on the voting platform (i-péricles). Registration is necessary to vote on the day of the Meeting or to give a proxy.

Registering on the voting platform is compulsory to vote at the event, on the 12th, or to appoint a proxy.

It is crucial that the majority of voters cast their votes for the vote to be validated. Therefore, registration on the voting platform is imperative to guarantee the validity of the electoral process. We strongly encourage you to register on the voting platform, as your participation and active involvement at this Annual General Meeting are essential for making significant decisions for the future of our association.