Design & build of innovative architectural and ventilation solutions to control contamination in the air


ASPIDA is a passionate company which designs & builds innovative solutions to control contamination in the air. Our clients are hospitals and industries like vaccine manufacturers and even space agencies. We provide them deployable controlled environments, offering them new perspectives in terms of modularity and evolutivity. Our client save time, money, and gain significant competitivity.

For Hospitals, we created AGEMA, a revolution for airborne infection protection in critical care and Isolation rooms. AGEMA simplifies the very way to build complex air systems in hospitals. Plug and play, it significantly reduces CAPEX investment and carbon footprint


9 rue des Genêts

+33 (0)428383729

[email protected]

Featured products

Airborne infection prevention for critical care and infectious disease rooms.


Agema combines architectural and ventilation inovations to revolution the performances of the air systems in critical care and airborne infection isolation rooms.

Deployable cleanroom


ERA facilitates the access to controlled environments. In ultraclean or containment configuration, ERA is deployable, versatile and energy efficient.