Cardio-respiratory Remote Monitoring


Biosency aims to improve the management of patients with cardio-respiratory insufficiency by offering a disruptive digital solution, integrating the analysis of clinical data, to optimise the monitoring of patients ' progress at home and to facilitate the coordination of healthcare professionals.


1137A avenue des champs blancs 35510 Cesson-Sévigné France

+33 (0)9 73 24 88 10

[email protected]

Featured products

Cardio-respiratory Remote Monitoring

Bora care

Bora care® is an integrated solution for remote monitoring at home, easy to use, without the patient’s intervention, to optimise the care process and quality of life.

A disruptive digital solution, integ…

Bora band

Connected wristband for real-life remote monitoring

Light, autonomous and discreet, Bora band® is a device adapted to the remote monitoring of patients with respiratory insufficiency in their everyday life.

Bora connect

Remote monitoring platform

Bora connect® is a platform that allows you to retrieve and consult the remote monitoring data of patients on a continuous basis.

Secure: double authentication at login

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