Connected health operator - digital solutions & health cloud


The Euris Group's mission is to support healthcare players in their digital transformation and the deployment of their e-health projects: from the publishing and integration of digital healthcare solutions to the hosting management and processing of personal health data and digital trust..

Euris Health Digital Solutions® is a software editor dedicated to the orchestration of the key actors in healthcare: pharmaceutical and life sciences companies, healthcare professionals and the patient. Our solutions, listed in the Gartner guide among global editors, have specific technical advantages: available on any device (laptop, tablet, mobile), from any operating system (iOS, Android, Windows), accessible On/Offline, highly configurable and interoperable. Compliant with regulatory frameworks for personal and health data protection, our solutions are currently used in more than 50 countries.

Euris Health Cloud® 1st certified cloud dedicated to connected health since 1996.

As a certified health data host, we have sovereign IT infrastructures that meet the highest security standards, in compliance with the main regulatory frameworks applied to health data management in France and internationally: ISO 27001/27701 (international), HDS-RGPD-SecNumCloud (Europe), HIPAA - SOC2 (United States), CSL - PIPL - DSL (China).

We also act as a trusted third party for the processing of personal health data (pseudonymization, management of encryption keys, hosting of highly secured environments for sensitive studies ), in conformity with local regulations.

Our global compliance allows us to support the development of your connected health projects anywhere in the world.


116 rue de Silly - 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt - FRANCE

+33 (0)1 55 95 00 50

[email protected]

Featured products

Health digital solutions: commercial and marketing excellence

NetReps® CRM

NetReps® CRM allows sales force teams of pharmaceutical and life sciences companies, to efficiently orchestrate their interactions with healthcare professionals.

SmartContent® CLM

SmartContent® CLM is an OmniChannel software Solution allowing valuable interactions with the healthcare professionals in compliance with regulatory frameworks.

SmartReps® BI and modules

SmartReps® BI and modules. Modular offer of solutions complementary to NetReps® CRM or a third party CRM. Commercial and marketing plug & play modules.

Euris Health Cloud® – Trusted third party & Certified Health Data Host

Health Cloud® – Global certified health data host

Cloud Santé® is a healthcare data host operating in 50 countries, offering a Sovereign Private Cloud infrastructure (SecNumCloud repository) and a Hybrid Cloud platform in partnership with AWS and MS Azure.

Health Cloud® – Trusted Third Party

Trusted third party, Euris offers a trusted service for health data processing (pseudonymization, encryption …)

Cloud Health Data Warehouse Solution (HDW)

Cloud Health Data Warehouse Solution (HDW) allows you to share, reuse and store your personal health data over a long period of time for research purposes.

SmartPatient® patient centric solutions: digital solution and certified health data hosting

SmartPatient® PRM

Digital platform dedicated to patient support programs (PSP). Improve accessibility, education, personalize care and monitor the patient.

SmartPatient® Clinical

SmartPatient® Clinical allows health data collection in digital clinical trials. Euris solution is GxP and HDS certified, it facilitates the coordination between every actors involved in the process.

SmartPatient® Collect

SmartPatient® Collect facilitates the creation of patients’ database for patient associations and organizations. A configurable HDS & GDPR compliant tool of digital questionnaires and consent collection.