Designer and manufacturer of medical equipment for healthcare establishments


For more than 30 years, PRATICIMA is a leading manufacturer for medical furniture for hospitals and eldery homes. This French company is present in more than 44 conuntries in the world. We have a dedicated team for export and an integrated reasearch and development department. This company specializes in the drug circuit and medical devices. It offers all the necessary equipment for storage, transfer and distribution of the medicine from the pharmacy to the bedside. PRACTICMA has a PDA solution to secure and trace patient treatment. It also offers equipment for linen and waste management, care furniture, solutions for computerized patient record management and technical aids for staff.


Rue du Pou du Ciel - 01600 Reyrieux - FRANCE

+33 4 74 00 98 11

Featured products


Satellite multi-sensory nursing trolley

Ideal for establishments, in search of space saving, wishing to deploy the Snoezelen concept.

EasyMoove trolley motorization solution

With EasyMoove solution, improve the working comfort of nursing staff and say stop musculoskeletal problems!

Pili preparation of medicine doses solution

100 % secured and traced PDA solution for medical institution and ambulatory patients.


Optistock shelving system

Designed for back-up storage of sterile or non-sterile materials, which are either packed or unpacked.

Neop mobile storage cabinet

Designed for storage of medicines and medical devices in wards.

Neop distribution trolleys

Designed for daily distribution of medicines with pill dispensers and nominative trays.


Neop nursing trolley

Complies with the requirements of healthcare establishments concerning ergonomics, hygiene and safety.

Nursing rooms

100% customizable layout, with fixed or mobile furniture, in full coherence with your needs.

Mobile workstation

Different compatible models with laptop, panel PC or screen with central unit.