Join us in revisiting the 2023 edition of the French Healthcare Innovation & Business Forum!

A look back at the French Healthcare Innovation & Business Forum 2023, an exceptional event that accelerates the internationalization of French healthcare companies, and promotes healthcare cooperation between France and other countries.

The French Healthcare Innovation & Business Forum is a must-attend international event devoted entirely to promoting French expertise in the healthcare sector.

Its main goal is to connect various French players in the healthcare sector – be they companies, professional associations, universities, research centers and healthcare establishments – with a wide range of foreign decision-makers. These meetings offer French companies the opportunity to showcase their latest innovations and services, strenghtening France’s reputation as a leader in healthcare innovation. 

With this forum, the attendees can expand their partners network, develop new collaborations and identify new markets. Accessing these strategic markets, can seem complex at first, thus making this event the perfect chance for the french healthcare ecosystem to create new business development and export opportunities. 

This event, organized by the French Healthcare Association, stands out for its unique format, which focuses on setting up high-level B2B (business to business) and B2G (business to governments) meetings, as well as networking sessions to establish contacts with partners from the public and private sectors. 

Thanks to this exceptional format, the first forum in 2022 was a major turning point in the consecration of the international scope of our network. 

This second edition further reinforced our network’s international reputation and marked a significant milestone in accelerating the development of our members. 

Retrospective of the 2023 French Healthcare Business and Innovation Forum 

Retrospective review of the French Healthcare Innovation & Business Forum 2023, a major international event that stood out as this year’s major business platform, catalyzing business growth in the healthcare sector while strengthening France’s international healthcare partnerships.   

The 2023 edition of our Business and Innovation Forum was held on September 18 and 19 at the Maison de la Chimie in Paris, followed by a cocktail reception at the Quai d’Orsay to end this event on a high note. 

The French Healthcare Innovation & Business Forum, a true showcase for French excellence in healthcare, brilliantly fulfilled its primary mission by facilitating interactions between various French entities in the healthcare field – be they companies, professional associations, universities, research centers or healthcare establishments – and a wide range of foreign decision-makers. This strategic networking event enabled French companies to showcase their latest breakthroughs and services, propelling France to the forefront of international healthcare innovation.  

This year, our Business and Innovation Forum was the scene of major exchanges and partnerships between key players in the French healthcare sector and strategic partners from all over the world. The event was an exceptional opportunity, bringing together over 170 international decision-makers from the five continents with 60 French healthcare companies. These companies had the opportunity to discuss their activities, and internatinal specific healthcare needs with the foreign delegations, and more broadly to promote our French expertise abroad. These exchanges paved the way for new collaborations and fruitful partnerships.  

2 guests of honor also punctuated the event with their speeches: 

  • Mr. Olivier Becht, Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade, Economic Attractiveness and Foreign Nationals Abroad, attached to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs  
  • Mrs. Hélène Dantoine, Head of Economic Diplomacy at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, also took part in the event with her closing speech.  

Numerous themed conferences on highly innovative topics, as well as detailed market presentations from five countries, were also held and helped provide an insight into the diversity of international issues in these critical fields. 

These discussions also answered crucial questions such as: 

  • What are the latest breakthroughs in healthcare innovation? 
  • What are the main geopolitical challenges decision-makers have to face in these markets? 
  • How can we adapt the export of our French expertise in order to meet these challenges? 

The main goals of the 2023 edition of the French Healthcare Business and Innovation Forum were the following :  

  • To bring together international decision-makers with key players in the French healthcare sector, and hasten their cooperation.  
  • To ensure the long-term sustainability of these collaborations and strategic exchanges  
  • To open up new markets  
  • To identify contemporary and incoming challenges in the healthcare sector, and create synergies that will help bringing the appropriate responses 
  • To generate export opportunities  
  • To promote the worldwide reputation of our French Healthcare brand and its holders, and generally speaking the reputation of Made in France healthcare 

These objectives were largely achieved, as the Forum was the scene of over 800 meetings between these exporters and the foreign delegations who had travelled to Paris.  

Less formal networking events, such as breakfasts, lunches and cocktails, also enabled these conversations to continue in a convivial atmosphere. The event ended with a cocktail reception at the Quai d’Orsay, where participants were joined by a delegation from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  

That way, the 60 French companies who attended were able to sound out decision-makers from 27 different countries on the state of healthcare and healthcare innovation in their countries, and present them with tailor-made opportunities and solutions.  

List of supports and sponsors for the Forum

The Forum in pictures

French Healthcare Innovation & Business Forum 2023’s key numbers

Infography with the key numbers of the 2023 edition of the French Healthcare Business & Innovation Forum

Our forum’s success stories : our companies tell it best!   

As the number of participants was limited to facilitate networking, the participating French organizations were carefully selected according to the needs and current projects of the foreign delegations. This enabled the French healthcare experts who attended to strengthen their positions on the global market. 

One of the objectives of the FHIBF is to promote the excellence of the French healthcare offering. The event also provided an opportunity for several French companies and institutions to share their expertises and to host conferences and workshops on different topics related to the international influence of French healthcare, health trends and innovations. 


Photography of Jean-Pierre Boffy, CEO of Steam France

Jean-Pierre BoffyCEO of Steam France

First and foremost, I’d like to congratulate the French Healthcare Association, because in the context of international healthcare relations, this Forum really is unique. It’s a great opportunity for companies of all sizes and from all healthcare sectors to meet important partners. Above all, I’d like to point out that these meetings go beyond mere institutional relations, thanks to the forum’s very intimate format !   

The event also allows us to meet numerous delegations from Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia Minor. French companies sometimes find it difficult to export to these highly fluctuating markets, and this event offers an alternative solution to counter these constraints. 

I find it all the more interesting to associate startups with top leads of the healthcare sector, who are dragging these startups and SMEs with them into the benefits of their leadership.   

I look forward to seeing the French Healthcare Association during the next editions of the forum!” 

Photography of Miquel Lozano

Miquel Lozano – Président of Tesalys

We had already participated last year, and were able to see that the Forum got even better this year. There were even more people available to meet with us ! What’s more, we applaud the excellent organization of the forum, which connected us with delegations from all over the world. In my opinion, this forum is already a must-attend for meetings with high-level healthcare partners !   

It also gives us the opportunity to network with other member companies of the French Healthcare Association, with whom we can collectively study these foreign delegations’s needs, and thus respond to them in the best possible way. 

We realize that the projects carried out by these delegations can benefit not only our company, but also those of our colleagues who design similar medical devices or equipment. That’s the other strength of this forum : we can network not only with potential customers and suppliers, but also with other companies in the French healthcare sector, who, just like us, export internationally”

Photography of Philippe Lagier

Philippe Lagier – Head of Financing Services Sector at Proparco – Groupe AFD

Our objective as a development financial institution was to find projects with real added value in terms of quality and accessibility, the products and services of which we could finance. Attending this forum was therefore very important for us, as it enabled us to meet potential clients from all over the world, from Asia, Africa, the Philippines… all of this from Paris, where we are based.   

The delegations had numerous projects to present, all of them very interesting and revolving around pharmaceutical production, healthcare provision, digital health and so on. This completes ur knowledge of the international field, without having to leave the capital : we believe that’s the main success of this event !

Photography of Simon Gomis

Simon GomisExecutive Director of Innov Biotech

We were able to meet some very interesting contacts, some of whom were already part of our business targets, and others who became so thanks to this Forum. We plan on meeting some of these delegations again soon. 

Another boon for us was the fact that we were able to host two conferences, on our cardiometabolic disease prevention program and our innovative insulin resistance test. This allowed all the delegations who attended to learn more about our projects, and we saw a great deal of enthusiasm on their end. We had exciting exchanges with delegates from Iraq, Uzbekistan, Algeria, Côte d’Ivoire and many others… some collaborations have even already begun !   

All these results and enthusiasm give us great motivation for the future ! ”  

Photography of Lionel Reichardt

Lionel Reichardt – Public Affairs and access to the Market Manager at Axelife

As members of the invaluable French Healthcare community, our presence at this forum was essential. We were able to exchange ideas and meet many players from our network, but also from other countries, as well as possible distributors for our company.

French organizations that attended the 2023 French Healthcare Innovation & Business Forum :

Foreign delegations that attended the 2023 French Healthcare Innovation & Business Forum

  • Ministry of Public Health of Cameroon  
  • Ministry of Health and Prevention of Chad 
  • Ministry of Health, Public Hygiene and Universal Health Coverage of Côte d’Ivoire  
  • Ministry of Health and Population of Egypt  
  • Ministry of Public Health of Iraq   
  • Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan  
  • Ministry of Health – BARMM of the Philippines  
  • Ministry of Investment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia  
  • Ministry of Health of Ukraine  
  • Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan 

    Algeria :
  • CIDIS 
  • VitalCare 

    Angola :

    Bahrain :
  • Bahrain Economic Development Board  

    Cameroon :
  • ACERE 

    Canada :
  • Health Innovation Hub – OROT de l’Hôpital Général Juif de Montréal 

    Colombia :

    Congo :
  • Wagenia RDC 

    Côte d’Ivoire :
  • GET Medical 
  • Nouvelle Pharmacie de Santé Publique 
  • Ordre de Malte 
  • Polyclinique Farah 

    Egypt  :
  • Egypt Healthcare Authority  
  • The Egyptian Authority for the Unified Purchase and Medical Supply 
  • The Egyptian Defense Office 
  • Servomed 

    Ethiopia :
  • HBL Medical Equipment 

    Iraq  :
  • Pharmacie Syndicate 
  • Kimadia 

    Kazakhstan  :
  • Akimat région d’Ulyatau 
  • Invivo 
  • Kazakhmys 
  • Kazior 
  • Mediker 
  • Optimus Medica 
  • Pharm Consult 

    Kuwait :
  • Kuwait Embassy in France 
  • The Kuwait Embassy’s Military Bureau 
  • The Kuwait Health Office 
  • Ali Abdulwahab Al-Mutawa Commercial 

    Kyrgyzstan :
  • Development Partner Department, National Investiment Agency 
  • Intelmed 
  • SE “Kyrgyzpharmacia” 

    Mauritius :
  • Economic Development Board 

    Mauritania :
  • Prophamedis 

    Moldolva :
  • Medical Tourism Association of Moldova 
  • Embassy of Moldova in France 

    Morocco  :
  • Fondation Mohammed IV 
  • Pharcomedic 
  • Promamec 
  • Sipromed 
  • T2S 

    Nigeria :
  • NOVO Health Africa 

    Poland :
  • Szpitale Pomorskie Sp. z o.o.  

    Philippines :
  • National Development Company 
  • Glovax Biotech 
  • Onetop Medical Systems Resources 

    Rwanda :
  • Rwanda Biomedical Center 

    Roumania  :
  • ANDIS 
  • S&T Medtech 

    Saudi Arabia :
  • Saudi Center for International Strategic Partnership 
  • DMSCO – Al Dawaa 
  • NUPCO 
  • King Faisal Hospital 
  • Juffaly Group 
  • Jamjoom Pharmaceuticals 
  • Dar Bedaya Financial Investment 
  • Awwad Albishri Company 
  • First National Human Resources Company – FNRCO 
  • Ajlan & Bros Medical Company 
  • Al’Osrah Medical company 
  • The First Group 

    Turkey :
  • American Hospital 

    United Arab Emirates :
  • Medikabazaar 

    United States of America :
  • Northwell Health 

    Uzbekistan :
  • ITMED 
  • Medmarketing 

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